What Do Rabbits Symbolize


Rabbits are a very tame animal, and anyone who sees it can’t help but go over and pet it. It is also one of the most beloved pets. But you know what? There are many different bunny rabbit symbolisms. Rabbit symbolism is different in different countries and different cultures.

In Chinese culture, bunny symbolism is docile, cute, cunning, witty, and also means kindness and positivity. Different countries have different rabbit symbol meanings. In the UK, it means bad luck and misfortune. In Europe and the United States, it means cowardice, vigilance, and cowardice. So in this article, let’s find out what do rabbits symbolize.

What Does A Rabbit Symbolize

In people’s impressions, rabbits symbolize beauty, sensitivity, and good luck. According to different cultures, the rabbit can represent many aspects of life. Its primary meanings include fear, sexuality, abundance, prosperity, good fortune, intuition, spontaneity, and wittiness.

And we often associate rabbits with the moon. This is because rabbits are nocturnal. So we sometimes think of rabbit symbolism like moon and rebirth. In general, the following are bunny rabbit symbolism:

  • Witty
  • Gentle
  • Fertility
  • Sensitive
  • New Beginning
  • Moon
  • Good Luck

Rabbit Symbolism in Different Solutions

What Does A Rabbit Symbolize In Dreams?

As psychologists and spiritualists agree, symbols are important in dreams. Rabbits symbolic meaning are many things in dreams. The symbolism of a rabbit in a dream such as:

  • Good Luck
  • Power
  • Success
  • Emotional
  • Fertility
  • Sexual Activity

Although the rabbit symbol meaning in dreams may seem like a lot of symbols, the symbolism of rabbit has many situations. The way the rabbit appears in your dreams can have a significant impact on the meaning.

If you dreamed of a rabbit running from you, it could be a sign that someone you love is disappearing. If the rabbit in your dreams bites or scratches your skin, it could indicate that your relationship with your partner is in trouble. The context of the dream is important in determining the symbolic meaning of a rabbit. And you dream of rabbits of different colors also has different rabbit symbol meanings.

White Rabbit Symbolism:

In fact, white rabbits symbolize love, tenderness, and inner power. White rabbits, which are lucky animals, are symbolic of good fortune and impending opportunities.

Black RabbitSymbolism:

Black rabbit symbolism can also be used to represent fear of intimacy or lies. Gray rabbits are the symbol of someone who wants to trick or deceive you.

Dead Rabbit Symbolism:

In any case, dreaming of a dead rabbit is definitely not a good thing. A dead bunny symbolism is a loss and loss. It could be the loss of a loved one, a friend, or the loss of a family or friendship. In short, a dead rabbit symbolize a bad thing.

What Do Rabbit Totems Symbolize?

Native American culture has a special place for rabbits. They are one of nine totem animals. The rabbit totem is a meaningful symbol. If someone is born with a rabbit totem, then that person’s life will be accompanied by intelligence and wit.

The rabbit totem symbolizes intelligence, sensitivity and shamanic powers. Because bunnies have strong perceptive abilities and intuitive powers, this is possible. The rabbit, like all totem animals, is positive. It symbolizes creativity, problem-solving, courage, and quick-wittiness.

We must remember its fearful nature, however. The rabbit animal totem is a reminder of a timid creature who has no time for relaxation. People born with this totem may struggle with social shyness or perpetual anxiety. However, this animal can teach them how to overcome these feelings.

Rabbits Symbolize Spirit

Calling the spirit rabbit in trouble can make you more flexible and resilient, which will help you attract opportunities and find solutions. This animal will improve your ability to think clearly and speed up you’re problem-solving.

The spirit will give you fertility and creativity if you call it. This spirit may appear uninvited to you, but it is a sign to be alert for the dangers ahead.

Rabbits Symbolize Power

A power animal, as the name suggests, can give you its most dynamic traits. You’ll think of bunny symbolism in the following situations:

  • Want some improvement in your life, like your family, health, or finances.
  • Beginning something new, such as exercise, family, or friendship.
  • Want more opportunities and good luck for your loved ones.

Different Countries Have Different Rabbit Symbolism

Rabbit Symbolism in Chinese

The Chinese consider the rabbit to be the 4 th animal of the zodiac. It is considered to be the luckiest animal of all 12. The rabbits symbolize beauty, elegance, and intelligence. Rabbits were also symbolic of the moon in ancient Chinese mythology, as they believed that there was a rabbit living on it.

The Moon Rabbit, also known as the Jade Rabbit, is a companion of the Moon Goddess. It is a companion to the Moon Goddess and can make medicine by grinding herbs using a mortar and pestle. The symbolism of rabbits is good health and long life in Chinese culture. Chinese medicine uses many parts of the rabbit because of this.

As you can see, in Chinese culture, rabbits are considered a good sign. This is not true for all Asian cultures.

Rabbit Symbolism in Japanese

What does a rabbit symbolize in Japanese? The symbolism of rabbits is luck in Japanese culture. However, they are also symbolic of ambition, progress, and self-dedication. Because of their short forelegs, they can climb hills much more easily than they can descend. Rabbit meaning symbolism is personal and joint progress.

In Japanese culture, rabbits symbolize the moon. It is said that rabbits can pound mocha on moons, which can be seen in many motifs that include the moon. The practice of making sweet treats gives rabbits an added symbology. They are often associated with the New Year, and the rebirthing of the world as it enters spring.

This positive relationship with rabbits is why they are frequently featured on Japanese kimonos, silkscreens, fans, and other decorations. People can bring beauty, grace, and good fortune to their lives by channeling the energy from the rabbit.

One major difference exists between Japanese and Chinese culture’s symbolism of rabbits. Rabbits are generally considered positive in Chinese culture. However, in Japanese culture, they are considered tricksters. This is in keeping with the symbolism associated with rabbits in many European cultures.

Rabbit Symbolism in Native American

According to Native American folklore, they are described as killing, dying, and then reviving in random ways. Some legends say that the symbolism of bunnies for Jesus, either the son or daughter of Earthmaker, the creator god.

The Anishinaabe tribes depict the rabbit spirit as the hero Nanabozho (or the Grate Hare), which is believed to represent the son of Sun and is seen as a friend and teacher.

Rabbit Symbolism in African

According to African mythology, the crossing of a rabbit’s path signifies bad luck. Its negative side is also shown in the story in which the rabbit is a divine messenger from the Moon who is sent to give the gift of immortality.

The rabbit spirit guide, due to its trickster nature, brings down death on Earth. Moon strikes him with a stick and splits his lips when he hears about his actions. The legend goes that the rabbit will cross the dead in the afterlife.

Is it good luck to see a rabbit? Although trickster behavior is still present, Africans view the symbolism of a rabbit positively. It is described as a spirit that inspires wisdom and kindness.

Rabbit Symbolism in Celtic

The rabbit is a supernatural creature from the Otherworld in Celtic folklore. It was believed it could transform into a shapeshifter and possess great power. Therefore, harming it would bring about misfortune.

A legend tells of a Celtic warrior who wounds a bunny’s left leg and then runs to it through a hole in the ground. Instead, he discovers a young woman who was bleeding from a wound to her leg. Ireland was prohibited from eating their meat because of this view.

What does a rabbit symbolize for the Celtic people? Hares were valued for their speed and strength, and it appears that they were also considered the Moon symbol.

Different Cultures Have Different Bunny Symbolism

Bunny Symbolism in Christianity

What does a bunny symbolize in Christianity? In Christianity, rabbit meaning symbolism is controversial. Many western European cultures, and the American communities that grew out of their migration, consider rabbits lucky animals. The rabbits symbolic meaning is fertility or elegance, and even kindness. Many Christians feel they shouldn’t be associated with Christianity due to their connection to pagan religions.

Rabbits are considered to be spiritual messengers in many pagan traditions. They move between the underworld and the human realm. They act as harbingers and companions to goddesses and are potent symbols of fertility and family love. Rabbits, on the other hand, have limited interaction with Christian symbology and mythology.

Bunny Symbolism in Buddhism

What do rabbits represent in Buddhism? According to some Buddhist stories, Buddha was a hare in an earlier life. Also, he was said to have traveled as a hare with an ape and a Fox.

You can find three rabbits in Buddhism. It is believed to symbolize tranquility. Others believe it represents samara or the wheel of karma. We spin this wheel every lifetime until we attain enlightenment.

Some cases depict the three hares with a lotus or lotus petal, which could indicate that the symbolism of the cycle of reincarnation and spiritual awakening is implied. The rabbit is often associated with fire in Buddhism and Eastern philosophies. The phoenix is also associateds with fire as a symbol.

Bunny Symbolism in Easter

According to an ancient European legend, the hare is an animal that never closes its eyes all day long. They can watch other animals around in the dark. Therefore, the hare represents a bright moon in the dark night. In addition, the calculation of Easter days bases on the full moon in spring. So the hare with high fertility in spring is regarded as a symbol of Easter. After this custom was introduced to the United States, the Americans also took a cute name for the rabbit, calling it the Easter Bonnie Rabbit!


Different cultures and countries have different symbolism of rabbits. But we have to respect the culture of each country. In China, the rabbit also symbolizes longevity. So Taoism allows the rabbit to make the elixir of immortal rabbit. Let the rabbit use a mortar and pestle under the laurel tree to mash the medicine. Later, the rabbit slowly evolved into a symbol of the medical industry.

Rabbit’s hearing is very sensitive, its long ears detect all directions, and no wind can escape its ears. Its galloping speed is beyond the reach of many animals.

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